Melons Australia's CEO Update

Australian Melons Shine at Australia/Japan Horticulture Showcase

The recent Australia/Japan Horticulture Showcase in Sydney highlighted the best of Australian melons, celebrating a successful event organised by the Australian Fresh Produce Alliance, AUSVEG, and Hort Innovation. Industry buyers, growers, and government representatives from both Australia and Japan came together on October 11 to discuss market opportunities and foster stronger horticultural ties between our countries. Congratulations to the organising teams for a productive event!

Progress in Market Access for Australian Melons

Throughout October, the Fresh and Secure Trade Alliance (FASTA) held several important meetings. As Chair of the Industry Advisory Committee, I’m focused on continuing to support industry achieving expanded market access initiatives, which will be instrumental in securing and opening new markets for the Australian horticulture industry, including melons.

Crisis Management and Biosecurity Initiatives

A special thanks to NAPCaRN (Anne Walters) for leading valuable sessions on Crisis Management Planning and the Northern Biosecurity Roundtable in mid-October. This collaboration united biosecurity experts and professionals across northern Australia to reinforce our preparedness and border protection efforts.

Industry Engagement with Japan Import Risk Assessment

The Australian melon industry is working closely with the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Forestry on the draft Japan Import Risk Assessment. Industry members can read more and participate in a consultation session scheduled for Monday, November 18. Please register in advance HERE.

Input on Paraquat and Diquat Use Review

Melons Australia extends its appreciation to industry members for their contributions towards our submission to the APVMA review of paraquat and diquat use. We encourage everyone to review our submission HERE.

Upcoming Melon Quality Improvement Updates

Our ongoing Melon Quality Improvement project will soon release grower fruit assessment reports directly via email. We’re eager to gather your feedback on these reports and will continue to provide support to ensure the new maturity standards are met industry-wide.

Stay tuned for further updates! Please reach out to me, Johnathon Davey, Chief Executive Officer, Melons Australia, should you need to discuss anything. Please contact me by email HERE or call me at +61 407 032 023.

Highlights from the Melon Fund in 2023/24

In the 2023/24 financial year more than $1.58 million was invested through the Melon Fund with Hort Innovation working closely with industry experts to drive meaningful outcomes for the melon sector.

Key Highlights from the Year:
  • The successful implementation of the Melon Quality Improvement Program across the industry, aimed at enhancing product standards and consumer eating consistency.
  • An insightful international study tour to the USA in August 2024, where growers and industry partners gained valuable knowledge on global best practices and trends.
  • Completion of several industry roadshows across Australia, providing growers with the latest R&D updates directly from experts.
  • Ongoing melon food safety training and monitoring, supported by a robust technical market access plan to ensure compliance and safety.

Looking Forward: In 2024/25, a major focus will be on strengthening biosecurity resilience within the Australian melon industry, ensuring long-term sustainability and protection.

Stay Informed:
  • Download the 2024/25 Annual Investment Plan to learn more about your industry’s investments HERE
  • Access the fact sheet for an overview of key investments at a glance HERE
  • Explore ongoing and completed R&D projects on the Hort Innovation website HERE

Melon Quality Project Update

Evaluating Non-Destructive Testing Technologies

The project team are investigating a range of non-destructive fruit maturity measurement technologies. The goal is to provide the industry with monitoring options that will reduce the amount of food waste created by the traditional destructive technologies.

The range of non-destructive technologies being investigated includes three entirely different measurement modalities: optical scanning, Near Infra-Red (NIR) and acoustic response technologies. The project team is currently evaluating two instruments and plans to evaluate several more.

In addition to evaluating new non-destructive measurement technologies, the project team is continuing to monitor fruit maturity against the new standards using their current testing technologies.

This same well-verified destructive testing will be used as part of the new non-destructive technology evaluation to validate the precision and accuracy of the instruments being tested.

The project team is aiming to identify viable non-destructive options that they can recommend to the industry to monitor fruit maturity on-farm, in the packing shed and at the distribution centre, which will be both accurate and cost-effective.

In the coming weeks the project team, via Melons Australia, will begin regular circulation of melon inspection reports to growers. These are designed to be identify where improvements can be made and to provide a point of reference for growers. The project team lead, Mark Loeffen ( will then work with growers to provide assessment tools and strategies to support the industry meeting the new maturity standards.

Stay tuned!

Demo site trials in Mildura: Testing Cover Crops as a sustainable alternative to plastic mulch  

The Soil Wealth ICP melon trials in Mildura are once again underway.

Building on the previous experience with straw mulch, the Soil Wealth team will once again collaborate with a Mildura melon grower to test whether a cereal rye cover crop, once rolled down and crimped, can effectively replace plastic mulch for moisture retention and weed control in a melon crop.

Cover crops are generally known to improve soil health and structure, reduce erosion, and add organic carbon to the soil system. As an additional benefit, this trial examines whether cover crops can reduce reliance on single-use plastic mulch a standard practice across Australia’s melon industry that carries significant economic and environmental costs.

The cover crop has been rolled down and melons will soon be planted. The team will monitor productivity, soil health, soil moisture, and weed pressure throughout the season, comparing it with the grower’s standard practice (plastic mulch).

Find out more

For more information, please contact project leader Umberto Calvo ( from Applied Horticultural Research.

This project has been funded by Hort Innovation using the vegetable and melon research and development levies and contributions from the Australian Government. Project Number: MT22004

Soil Wealth ICP focuses on addressing growers' specific interests and regional issues, fostering knowledge exchange, elevating sustainability, and improving soil and crop health across the industry.

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For help downloading or using the app, please contact our Comms Officer, Courtney, via email HERE or at +61 475 270 285.

Melons from Japan - Have your say!

A draft report for the risk analysis for fresh melon fruit for human consumption from Japan was released by the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF) on 17th October 2024. DAFF initiated this risk analysis because Japan requested market access for fresh melons (Cucumis melo). The request covers all melon varieties except oriental melon (C. melo var. makuwa) and oriental pickling melon (C. melo var. utilissimus, syn. C. melo var. conomon).

The draft report proposes that the importation of commercially produced melon fruit (except oriental melon and oriental pickling melon) to Australia from all commercial production areas of Japan can be permitted, subject to a range of biosecurity requirements.

A public consultation period is now open and will close on 16 December 2024. You are invited you to have your say on the draft report. Alternatively, Melons Australia will be making a submission on behalf of industry and would greatly value your feedback – please send your feedback to specifically with regards to:
  • identified pests
  • proposedrisk management measures
  • any other technical aspects of the report.

The expected release date for the final report is mid 2025, following consideration of stakeholder comments on the draft report.

As part of the public consultation, an online information session is being held for Australian industry members via Microsoft Teams on Monday 18 November from 10.00am-11.30am AEDT. The session will provide an opportunity to discuss the draft report and to ask questions about the technical information in the report. To register for the session, please visit You will receive the meeting link after completing your registration.

Please note the following meeting times for each state and territory:
  • NSW, VIC, TAS, ACT: 10.00am – 11:30am
  • SA: 9:30am – 11:00am
  • QLD: 9:00am – 10:30am
  • NT: 8:30am – 10:00am
  • WA: 7:00am – 8:30am

Fresh and Secure Trade Alliance (FASTA) initiative turns one

Learn more about FASTA’s initiatives and how the program helps underpin market access negotiations and increases Australia’s research capabilities in pest management.

Victoria On-Farm Drought Infrastructure Grants Program open

Victorian Minister for Agriculture Ros Spence announced the opening of the On-Farm Drought Infrastructure Grants Program that will provide financial assistance to farmers managing current drought conditions and build farm business preparedness and resilience for the future.

Eligible farmers can apply for co-contribution grants of up to $5,000 for on-farm improvements including water infrastructure upgrades, stock containment areas, grain and fodder storage and drought management tools.

The $12.1 million grants program is open to farmers in Local Government Areas in the south west that have been most severely impacted by ongoing drought conditions.

These Local Government Areas include Glenelg, Southern Grampians, Warrnambool, Moyne, Corangamite, Colac Otway, Surf Coast, Ararat, Pyrenees, Golden Plains and Greater Geelong, as well as the southern half of West Wimmera Shire. 

The grants build on the existing support services available for farmers including the Rural Financial Counselling Service, The National Centre for Farmer Health, farmer workshops, field days and practical information on the Agriculture Victoria website. 

To attend an upcoming drop-in session being held across the south-west visit or phone 136 186.  

For more information on the On-Farm Drought Infrastructure Grants Program, including the specific areas of eligibility, visit or call them on 1800 260 425 during business hours.  

Agribusiness preparedness for disaster season 2024

Natural disasters are a significant risk for Queensland’s primary producers and agribusinesses at this time of year. To enable your business to be prepared, continue operation and recover quickly, DAF Queensland has developed tools to assist your preparedness:
  • Complete this handy checklist to ensure your business is ready. 
  • Have an emergency kit to help keep your business running following a disaster; include your business continuity plan, information backed up on hard drives, spare keys, security codes and contact lists, a radio, torches, and batteries.   
  • Should your property be impacted by a natural disaster, you can report any damage or losses to your farm (food and fibre production enterprise) via the Queensland DAF Disaster Impact Survey.
  • For more information contact 13 25 23.

Fall Armyworm (FAW) eHub – keep up to date

Highlights on the e-hub include:

1. Latest news and updates:
  • Industry meeting in Bowen QLD (Bowen/Burdekin agronomists and researchers discuss area-wide management of fall armyworm)
  • Industry meeting in Lockyer Valley QLD (Cross-industry stakeholders meet to talk about fall armyworm in Lockyer Valley)
  • Band spraying for fall armyworm in sweet corn
  • Keeping an eye on FAW resistance

2. FAW moth catches from pheromone traps for Bowen and Lockyer Valley QLD (Right tab slider bar)

3. Document library (Right tab)
  • Project resources > FAW newsletter and research articles

4. Video (Right tab)
  • IPM for fall armyworm: Experiences from Africa

Plus much more!

Grower Guide - Leafminers

A new Grower Guide for management of Serpentine Leaf Miner, American Serpentine Leafminer and Vegetable Leafminer for Cucurbits including melons can be downloaded from the AUSVEG website:

The guide includes: Known distribution of the new leafminers as of 2023, Seasonality, Insect Life Cycle, Impact, Farm Biosecurity Practices, IPM guide including list of beneficial parisitoids and minor use permit availability.

Varroa Management Workshops

Workshops cover topics including integrated pest management, Varroa impacts, organic and chemical treatment options, record-keeping and much more.

The workshops are free to attend and are suitable for both recreational and commercial beekeepers.

Registrations for workshops are essential as numbers are strictly limited. 

For more information, including venue and registration details for all upcoming workshops delivered by the National Varroa Mite Management Program, visit Varroa Management Workshops. 

Webinar on Legislative Changes as part of the ‘Closing Loopholes’ Laws

AUSVEG, in partnership with the Australian Industry Group (Ai Group), invites growers for an exclusive webinar focusing on the changes to the Fair Work Act as part of the new ‘Closing Loopholes’ laws.

This webinar is an opportunity to equip yourself with the knowledge and insights needed to navigate these changes effectively and ensure your business remains compliant and competitive.

📅 Date: Wednesday, 6 November 

🕒 Time: 3:00 - 4:00pm AEDT 

📍 Location: Online  

DPIRD Carnarvon Research Station Melon and Watermelon Field Day ‘24

Join Bayer Vegetable Seeds, Clause Pacific, Lefroy Valley Seeds, Nunhems Vegetable Seeds, Rijk Zwaan, South Pacific Seeds, Terranova Seeds, and Enza Zadenat Carnarvon Research Station for a grower field day. More information to come over the following weeks.

Date: Wednesday, December 4, 2024 kicking off at 2pm

Venue: Carnarvon Research Station

To register, email David Rose (Bayer) 

Evoke Ag 2025

Tickets are now available for AgriFutures Australia’s premier agrifood technology and innovation event, EvokeAg.
The event offers a chance for the global agrifood #tech and innovation community to unite on common ground to solve shared challenges and seize future opportunities together across the agrifood supply chain.

🕜 Date and time Mon, 17 Feb 2025 6:00 PM - Wed, 19 Feb 2025 5:00 PM AEST
📍Location: Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre


Melons Australia


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