What a month May was, and it’s hard to believe we are almost half way through the year already, entering June 2024!
Key items for May:
During the first week of May, Melons Australia represented our industry strongly at the Plant Biosecurity Research Initiative Symposium and associated meetings in Cairns. I participated in a panel discussing future opportunities for industry biosecurity preparedness.
In May, we felt the support from industry in opposition to the Federal Government's proposed Biosecurity Protection Levy/Tax. Thank you to all growers and industry who supported this effort.
We have distributed our EOI form for the upcoming USA Study Tour, occurring from 11-17 August 2024. To submit your EOI, please
EOI Key Dates: EOIs are being received until Wednesday, 12th June 2024.
Looking ahead to June:
During this first week of June 2024, our team is out of the office attending Hort Connections 2024 (#HortConnections2024). If you need anything from us, please email me HERE or call me at +61 407 032 023.
We have many exciting opportunities coming up, including newly launched grower resources and leadership and development training. Please read on through the e-news to make the most of these!
Here's to another great month ahead!
Johnathon Davey,
Chief Executive Officer, Melons Australia
Participate in Melon Fungal Disease Research
As part of the Hort Innovation Project VM22001 ‘Identification and management of a fungal disease complex in melons’ the project team members are visiting melon growing areas. The purpose of the visits is to provide assistance to growers by survey of their crops for this fungal disease complex and to talk about the management of these diseases.
Planned surveys include:
9-13th September, 2024 : North QLD - Ayr, Gumlu, Bowen and Tully
October, 2024 : Bundaberg, QLD
Early February, 2025 : South Western Australia (near Perth)
Early March, 205 : South Australia and New South Wales (near Mildura)
If you would like a visit from the project team please contact
Project team members
Cherie Gambley by Email HERE or phone 0423 200 211, or
Len Tesoreiro by Email HERE or phone 0447 623 487.
Please also contact us if you would like a visit and are not from one of the listed districts.
Diagnostics for samples collected during surveys or samples submitted directly to the project team are provided at no cost as part of the project.
Tropical Farming in Sandy Soils: New Soil Wealth ICP Demo at Rombola Farms NT
Farming in tropical climates, particularly with extremely sandy soils, presents significant challenges for growers due to difficulties in retaining water and nutrients. Rombola Family Farms in the Northern Territory are partnering with the Soil Wealth ICP project to explore sustainable solutions for improving soil structure and management for melon crops.
Rombola Farm's demonstration site will test compost and cover crops to enhance soil organic matter (SOM) and structure, aiming to improve water and nutrient efficiency.
Key trial objectives include
assessing organic matter breakdown,
evaluating compost's stabilising effects, and
measuring water retention improvements.
Three treatments will be tested:
compost and millet cover crop with residues left on soil;
compost and millet worked into soil with melons planted; and
a control with traditional practices.
The trial will also monitor soil microbiological impacts, especially balancing bacterial and fungal growth while managing the fugal disease Fusarium.
Find out more
Look out for more information on this trial in the upcoming June edition of Melon News!
This project has been funded by Hort Innovation using the vegetable and melon research and development levies and contributions from the Australian Government. Project Number: MT22004.
Soil Wealth ICP focuses on addressing growers' specific interests and regional issues, fostering knowledge exchange, elevating sustainability, and improving soil and crop health across the industry.
EOI Now Open for the 2024 Americas Melon Study Tour
Melons Australia, in partnership with the Hort Innovation Melon Fund, is offering a study tour to California, USA, from 11th to 17th August 2024. This tour includes visits to growers, supply chains, technology advancements, retail tours, and more.
2 spots for supply chain participants: 50:50 contribution
We are now seeking formal expressions of interest from melon industry participants.
SUBMIT YOUR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST - To apply, please complete our formal Expression of Interest Form on our website.
For more information please contact Johnathon Davey, CEO Melons Australia via email HERE.
Maximise Tax Savings: Invest in Melon Leadership and Development Programs Before EOFY!
As we enter June 2024, it's the perfect time to invest in yourself, your business, and the melon industry. Melons Australia, supported by the Hort Innovation Melon Fund, continues to offer valuable training and leadership development opportunities tailored for the industry.
With the end of the financial year approaching, you can benefit from tax savings by enrolling in our Melon Industry training and leadership programs. These programs feature six courses designed for both entry-level and established leaders. Participants in our leadership program will also have the chance to be considered for the Melon study tour program, starting in August 2024.
We're excited to announce added flexibility to our program offerings. If you have specific training and development courses in mind, we’re open to considering them.
For more information on the available courses and the application process, please contact Jo Embry by email HERE.
Explore our course offerings and invest in your future while maximising your potential business tax savings! For more details, visit the Melons Australia news article HERE.
Freshcare Standard Review
This is your last chance to provide feedback on Freshcare's Standards Review! Submissions are accepted until the close of business on 30 June 2024.
Freshcare is reviewing its Food Safety and Quality (FSQ4.2) and Environmental (ENV3) standards. They value your input in this process.
Melon growers are encouraged to provide feedback to help ensure these standards align with current and future market, consumer, and environmental needs. Your input will be crucial in influencing technical adjustments and guiding future investments in resources and tools for Freshcare's certification programs.
Submit your feedback by clicking the links below or emailing Johnathon Davey, CEO Melons Australia, directly by clicking HERE.
Current resources and tools supporting Freshcare Programs
Freshcare Standards Criteria and Rules
Save and pleaseemail your feedback to info@freshcare.com.au with the subject line: "Standard Review."
Introducing New Cucurbit Ute Guide
Melons Australia is excited to announce the launch of the Cucurbit Ute Guide - a valuable new resource for identifying pests, diseases, and disorders affecting melons and other cucurbits. This pocket-sized field guide covers both beneficial insects and damaging pests, along with diseases and disorders that can impact your crops. It includes both pests and diseases that are endemic in Australia as well as high priority exotic pests that we hope to keep out.
Key Features:
Comprehensive Identification: Easily identify a wide range of pests and beneficial insects.
Disease and Disorder Detection: Recognise and manage common diseases and disorders affecting cucurbits.
Get your copy today and stay ahead of potential issues in your fields.
New Portal Links Australian-Made to Food and Beverage Ecosystem
The Australian Food Industry Index (AFII) is a free online portal connecting Australian-made products and services to the food and beverage industry.
Unlike the Australian Food & Beverage Catalogue, which lists export-ready food manufacturers and producers, AFII is a comprehensive resource for finding Australian manufacturers, ingredient suppliers, growers, and service providers.
Businesses can register on AFII and will be prequalified to ensure they are Australian-registered with local operations.
As the platform grows, AFII will centralise Australian companies, offering services ranging from contract manufacturing and testing laboratories to packing and more. They aim to connect anyone looking for Australian-made services and products in one convenient location.
AFII also offers tailored services to connect you to the right partner. For example, they are facilitating the sourcing requirements for contract manufacturing for a leading Australian brand. If interested, complete their EOI process.
Managing People Movement on Farm -a Guide
People can carry weeds, pests, and diseases onto and around your property without realising it. Pests can be spread in soil and on plant material on vehicles, equipment, footwear, and clothing. Anyone visiting your property could bring in pests, including guests, people living on the property, workers, and visitors such as suppliers, contractors, researchers, vets, transporters, stock agents, and consultants.
Make an assessment of the level of risk each visitor to your farm poses and take additional steps to reduce risk as necessary
Overseas travellers
ideally anyone returning from overseas should ensure that clothing, hair and footwear have been washed before going into production areas.
Contractors and utility providers
anyone who travels from farm-to-farm and region-to-region poses as increased biosecurity risk to your property. You have a right to request that visitors to your property and their vehicles and equipment are clean and free from pests, weed seeds and plant material. Providing a suitable washdown facility away from production areas can help with this. More information HERE.
Adapted from Grain Farm Biosecurity Program as part of PHA and Grain Producers Australia
New Resource: Understanding Australia's National Biosecurity System
Melons Australia is excited to publish a new educational toolkit developed by Plant Health Australia. These resources provide valuable insights into the Emergency Plant Pest Response Deed (EPPRD) and Australia's national biosecurity system. The toolkit consists of 12 articles designed to help growers understand and participate in biosecurity efforts to protect our industry.
Measures to protect Australia from exotic plant pests and diseases.
The role growers play in the national biosecurity system.
Procedures for reporting and responding to unusual pest sightings.
By actively participating in our national biosecurity system, growers can help monitor and report unusual pests and diseases, ensuring our agricultural industries remain protected.
For further enquiries, please contact Joanna Embry, Biosecurity Officer Melons Australia by email HERE.
National Renewables in Agriculture Conference and Expo
Join farmers, agriculture and energy consultants, peak bodies and Government representatives to share stories of on-farm renewables, their business case and discuss what’s driving the transformation of energy use in agriculture.
When: 4th July 2024, 9am-5pm. Expo opens at 8am
Where: Armitage Centre – Empire Theatre - 56 Neil Street. Toowoomba Queensland
Tour: 5 July 2024 - MacIntyre Wind Farm Tour - Host landholder and Acciona rep to speak. (NOTE: Limited spaces available)
Don't miss out on the chance to witness firsthand the power of innovation in agriculture, including a captivating New Zealand case study from a farmer who has fully electrified his farm. You’ll also hear from a farmer running his piggery using biogas, another who’s trialled grazing cattle under solar and how communities can proactively and effectively engage in the energy transition. E
Event Alert for Mareeba Growers: Fencing with Macka
Date: Saturday, 8 June
Time: 10am – 1pm
Location: Mareeba
Cost: Free (Includes lunch!)
Fencing can significantly benefit horticultural operations by:
Excluding animals from orchard areas
Protecting riparian vegetation and other sensitive areas
Delineating management zones and property boundaries
Providing protection from biosecurity issues like weeds and feral animals
Join ‘Macka’ and Growcom on Saturday, 8 June, to learn about:
Selecting the right fence materials
Designing fences for flooding and feral pests
Ensuring the first expense on materials is the last
Exploring new technologies
Meet Macka:
With 40 years of fencing experience in the Mareeba District, Macka brings extensive knowledge in various types of fencing and farming. For the past 16 years, he and his wife Irene have operated a lime farm on the Barron Catchment.
Attendees can book a free consultation with Macka for personalised fencing solutions.
Additional Event:
A second ‘Fencing with Macka’ event will be held on Saturday, 7 September at Jonsson Farming, 475 Tumoulin Road, Evelyn Central.
For more informationor to register, visit Growcom's website or contact Paula Ibell at 0498 119 633 or Email HERE.
Webinar: Plastic Recycling Processes
Attend an insightful webinar on plastic recycling processes, presented by Greg Carrick, Victorian Sales and Marketing Manager at Garden City Plastics. Greg will highlight the recycling programs available to commercial growers.
Date: Wednesday, 5th June
Time: 4:00 PM
Platform: Microsoft Teams
Places are limited, so register now to secure your spot. After registering, you will receive an email confirmation and an invite.