Melon E-News August 2023

In this issue:

Melons Australia's Executive Officer Update

Welcome to the latest edition of the Melons Australia ENews! Read more about our upcoming roadshows, the 2023 Melons Australia AGM, biosecurity updates, upcoming events including the Webinar on Monday 11 September 2023 to update and discuss the Melon Quality Improvement project - and much more!

This week, Melons Australia is partnering with AUSVEG at the 2023 Asia Fruit Logistica trade show in Hong Kong. Our aim is to foster valuable business to business connections through our joint presence at this event. Stay tuned for updates!


Exciting news on the back of our successsful Road Show events held throughout 2022/2023! We are on the verge of finalizing and announcing the details of our upcoming South Australian, Mildura, and Griffith Roadshows being organised to kick off during the week commencing Monday 6 November 2023. Stay tuned for more information as we get ready to hit the road!

AGM Update

We have sent out our notice for the Melons Australia 2023 Annual General Meeting to be held Thursday 14th September 2023 via Zoom. More information on how to register your attendance is found in the article below.

If you are interested to understand more about the opportunities that exist to help guide the strategic direction of the organisation by becoming a member of the Melons Australia Board for the coming 12 months, please get in touch with me ASAP by email here.

Have you had a chance to login to your member portal yet?

The Melons Australia's new look website is now your one-stop shop for everything melon industry related, including your personal portal to access exclusive resources including live results on the Melon Quality Improvement project and more, register for events and webinars, and participate in discussion boards with other growers, industry stakeholders and the Melons Australia team!

If you haven’t already, we encourage you to register here, login and access your own free personal portal today!

Melons Australia in the media:

We are pleased to see Australian melon industry related news and media this month including:

Upcoming events with Melons Australia attendance

Melons Australia will be participating in the following events through October 2023. If you are also attending any of these events please reach out - we’d love to see you there!

Thank you for your continued support and please reach out to me or our team should you require any assistance or support in your day-to-day operations. Contact me - Melons Australia Executive Officer, Johnathon Davey via email here or give me a call on 0407 032 023.

Best regards, Johnathon Davey

Melons Australia AGM - Thursday 14 September 2023

The Australian Melon Association Inc, trading as Melons Australia, will be holding its Annual General Meeting (AGM):
  • Thursday 14th September 2023, from 2.30pm AEST.
  • Via ZOOM – register here to receive the ZOOM link to log in.

The AGM will be conducted solely via video conference online to ensure all participants are on the same platform. The online AGM will also allow everyone to view live presentations, ask questions verbally and in writing and vote as necessary.

All Melons Australia stakeholders are invited to participate, however only financial members at the time of the AGM will be allowed a vote.

For any further enquiries please email Johnathon Davey, Executive Officer Melons Australia.

Project Update: VM22001 ‘Identification & management of a fungal disease complex in melons’

New Project Update available to PDF download from the Melons Australia website! Discover insights crucial to the Australian melon industry and learn how Project VM22001 is enhancing productivity by tackling soilborne fungal diseases. From gummy stem blight to charcoal rot, gain valuable knowledge for managing your crops effectively. Also find out about the identified pathogens and the importance of seedling health.

Get involved – share your disease samples for testing and contribute to vine decline solutions.

Hort Innovation Grower and Partner Survey

In line with the Hort Innovation Strategy 2024-2026, Hort Innovation are seeking feedback on their performance, and grower and partner views on the industry outlook.

Participation in the Annual Grower and Partner Survey helps Hort Innovation to deliver value and impact for growers and invest strategically to address challenges and opportunities.

Industry participants who are on the Hort Innovation database should have received a survey link by email. If you have not received a link to the survey you can register here and they will email you a link.

The survey will close on Friday, September 15, 2023.

Historic $130m Trade Alliance

Melons Australia is excited by the recent news released regarding the Fresh and Secure Trade Alliance (FASTA) launched on August 14, 2023. This $130 million, 8-year initiative is dedicated to safeguarding and expanding the nation's horticultural exports and we look forward to being more involved over the coming months.

The Melon industry has several target markets for new access, namely South Korea, India, and Vietnam, and we will seek support in gaining access to these markets through this important project.

Currently 8% of Australian melon production is being exported with industry strategic planning looking to increase this to 20% of production in the coming years. We await to be informed of the governance model behind the establishment of FASTA and remain ready to engage whenever by whatever means possible.

Learn more about FASTA here.

Change to Bolt Seal for Securing Containers to Japan

Melon industry: What to expect from Soil Wealth ICP

Following feedback from key industry representatives and targeted interviews with melon growers, the Soil Wealth ICP project has expanded to include the Australian melon industry as well as the vegetable industry.

Find out what's in store for the melon sector and the focus areas for soil and crop health by clicking here.

Supply Chain Support Program Round 2 Now Open

Assistance for businesses within the primary industry supply chain to re-establish operations following the February and March 2022 floods continues, with Round 2 of the $22 million Supply Chain Support Program now open for applications.

Round 2 is supporting the recovery of businesses and co-operatives that are the first receivers, processors or harvesters of primary produce.

Eligible applicants must be in the supply or value chain of the aquaculture (including fisheries), horticulture (blueberries, macadamias, pecans, vegetables, tea tree), or agriculture (beef, dairy, soybeans, sugarcane, intensive livestock) industries.

Eligible businesses that experienced direct flood damage can apply for up to $2 million to support projects such as the replacement of damaged plant and machinery, business and product diversification, or for transporting product from outside the area.

Those indirectly impacted by floods through major supply chain disruptions can apply for up to $250,000.

Applications close 5pm, Monday 2 October 2023.

The program is co-funded by the Australian and NSW Governments.

Click here for more information.

Government Competition Review Announced

Melons Australia has continued to play an active role in advocating for a fair go for Aussie melon growers. Johnathon Davey, Melons Australia Executive Officer, continues his role as a member of the NFF Horticulture Council Competition Taskforce, and they are channelling their efforts through ongoing collaboration within the Horticulture sector.

It was pleasing to hear of the Albanese Government’s commitment to a competition review, but we stress that this must deliver outcomes (read more here).

Melons Australia is considering whether to provide a submission on behalf of the Australian melon industry or to solely support a submission through the NFF Horticulture Council. Either way Melons Australia will be providing input and having a say.

Anyone from industry who would like to provide specific comment or input to the industry submission is encouraged to email Johnathon Davey, Melons Australia Executive Officer ASAP.

2023 Innovate with nbn 2023 Grant Program

The 2023 Innovate with nbn 2023 Grant Program has been launched.

In its fourth year, the initiative aims to help regional based businesses and individuals transform their great ideas into game-changing achievements.

Run in partnership with the Regional Australia Institute (RAI), the Innovate with nbn Grants Program is part of nbn’s commitment to lift the digital capability of people and businesses in regional Australia.

The winner of each category will receive a $15, 000 grant. Each of the category winner will go into the pool to become the overall winner and receive an additional $20,000.

Let us Know Your Training Needs & Win $100!

Melons Australia is proactively looking at new opportunities to support the Australian melon industry's people development and capacity building needs. Currently Melons Australia has a number of Training and Development opportunities (with funding support) open for industry enrolment – more information on these opportunities is available here.

We are now seeking input from members on other, more local/regional training opportunities in subjects/areas that are most helpful to you and your melon business.

>> Please click here to open our feedback form.

It will take less than 5 minutes to complete.  By providing feeback by Friday 1st September you will go into the draw for a $100 visa card!

Review of Biosecurity Import Requirements for Melons from Japan

Melons Australia would like to bring to your attention a development regarding the potential importation of melons from Japan. The Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF) have announced their intention to undertake an import risk assessment for melons from Japan, and the process over the coming period will include:
  • Biosecurity Review: A thorough review of the biosecurity requirements for Japanese melons is underway.
  • Draft Report Release: Expect a draft report to be released for public consultation around mid-2024.
  • Final Report: The final report will follow after considering feedback from stakeholders.


Biosecurity Protection Levy - Have your Say!

The Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF) has opened consultation to help shape the way the new biosecurity protection levy will be applied.

In the 2023–24 Budget, the government committed $1.03 billion over the next four years, and $267 million per year after that, for biosecurity funding. As part of the next stages of these sustainable funding reforms, the government announced a new biosecurity protection levy that would start from 1 July 2024 and is intended to collect around $50 million per year. This levy is intended as a mechanism for producers, as major beneficiaries of biosecurity controls, to contribute to this long-term commitment.

Melons Australia encourages stakeholders with an interest in the biosecurity protection levy to register now to have your say on sustainably funded biosecurity. Visit the biosecurity protection levy consultation website for more information on how to register and to have your say by 6 October 2023.

Melon Quality Improvement Project Webinar

Melons Australia stakeholders are invited to an upcoming webinar on the progress of the Melon Quality Improvement projet. The event is being co-hosted by Melons Australia and Delytics Ltd (the project lead) and will be a crucial component of the Hort Innovation Melon Fund project progression and completion.

Webinar details:
  • When: Monday 11 September 2023 - 2pm AEST
  • Where: Via Zoom video conferencing or phone dial in.

Overview: The webinar will take a deeper dive into the data and analytics currently undertaken through the 12-months of sampling and consumer taste panels, and will seek to gather industry comments, insight and concerns toward the development of new maturity standards for the Australian melon industry.

Register by clicking here - It is essential to register for this event by emailing Johnathon Davey, Executive officer by Sunday 10th September 2023.

More information: Please contact Johnathon Davey as above, or the Mark Loeffen (project lead) via email here

The National Farmers’ Federation National Conference

The National Farmers’ Federation National Conference program is locked in, bringing together some of Australia and the world’s most eminent thought leaders in Canberra on October 26-27.

This year’s theme ‘Australia to the World’ will look at Australia’s role in feeding the world, its trading relationships, and global leadership in sustainability and innovation.

More information and registration click here.

Freshcare Australian Assurance Summit 2023

Freshcare extends a warm invitation to you and your team, to the inaugural Australian Assurance Summit, 14th – 15th November at the William Inglis Hotel, Warwick Farm, Sydney.

As a valued Member Organisation of Freshcare, Melons Australia provides a vital link and conduit for communications between Freshcare and Melons Australia’s members.

The Summit focuses on Assurance = sustainability, safe futures, certification, supporting growers. Participating fosters Freshcare-industry-business collaboration for a sustainable fresh produce future.

Explore Early Bird tickets, sponsorship packages for Freshcare partners. Act now, Early Bird ending soon.

Questions? Email event organisers here or phone Sallie Don at 0408 007 305.

Western Australian Horticulture Update 2023

The biennial Western Australian Horticulture Update (WAHU) event is back again, bringing all areas of horticulture together to grow connections and build knowledge on the changing landscape of horticultural production.
  • When: Tuesday 31 October - Wednesday 1 November 2023
  • Where: Ascot Racecourse, 71 Grandstand Road, Ascot
  • What: Two-day industry expo dedicated to innovative technology in horticulture.

Early bird tickets on sale now! Learn more here.

Gatton AgTech Showcase

Join the QDAF team for a showcase of the latest innovations in field robotics, sensors, drones, protected cropping, postharvest, cover cropping and strip tillage, and more.
  • When: 1 November, 10:00am-5:00pm
  • Where: Gatton Smart Farm, Queensland
  • What: This event will showcase innovations in field robotics, sensors, drones, protected cropping, post-harvest, cover cropping, strip-tillage and more.

Learn more here.


Melons Australia


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