Watermelon: Your Secret Weapon to Beat the Heat This Summer

Dr. Scott Martin

Summers in Australia can be scorching, and for those who spend time outdoors, like construction workers, gardeners, or even fitness enthusiasts, the risk of overheating is real and can happen quickly. One natural and effective way to stay cool and hydrated? Watermelon! Chilled, sliced or juiced; this delicious, hydrating fruit not only quenches your thirst. Amazingly, watermelon has also been used for centuries in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) as a powerful treatment for heat stroke and heat exhaustion. Let’s explore why watermelon can beat the heat in the summer and how it helps prevent dehydration, heat exhaustion, and even heat stroke.

Watermelon to beat the heat

Watermelon is not just a refreshing snack; it’s loaded with essential nutrients that make it a great choice for hot days. Here is what you need as a daily dose to use watermelon to beat the heat. Take 1kg (33oz) of watermelon with its skin on to get 750 grams (26 oz) of sliced watermelon flesh to make 500 ml (16 oz) of watermelon juice. Eat or drink your watermelon around 11 am, before the hottest part of the day or before exercising in the heat. You will notice that you will sweat less, feel cooler, require less water and be much more comfortable under the beating sun.

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Fresh Plaza Article - Australian melon industry strengthens relationship and information sharing with United States study tour

The Australian melon industry says a recent trip to the United States has shown that there is a massive opportunity to collaborate with growers and leaders from overseas.

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