Melon Quality Improvement Project Webinar

Posted on 4th September

We are delighted to invite you to an upcoming webinar on the progress of the Melon Quality Improvement project. The event is being co-hosted by Melons Australia and Delytics Ltd (the project lead) and will be a crucial component of the Hort Innovation Melon Fund project progression and completion.

The Webinar will take a deeper dive into the data and analytics currently undertaken through the 12-months of sampling and consumer taste panels, and will seek to gather industry comments, insight and concerns toward the development of new maturity standards for the Australian melon industry.

Webinar details:

  1. When: Monday 11th September 2023 at 2pm AEST
  2. Where: Via Zoom video conferencing facilities (details below)

Join Zoom Meeting - by clicking the below link (starting from 1.45pm on Monday 11th September)

Or via Phone - Find your local number: using the below Meeting ID and Passcode to sign-in.

Meeting ID: 850 2786 5298
Passcode: 169458

The agenda will consist of:

  1. Welcome and project introduction.
  2. Data presentation – including current retail/wholesale monitoring and consumer taste panel assessments.
  3. Presentation identifying initial insights on potential target levels for maturity standards.
  4. To be then followed by a facilitated discussion on the opportunities and threats. For example:
    1. Why would I do this?
    2. Weather and seasonality, and variety differential
    3. Ability to meet standard, and measure Brix prior to sending.
    4. How do I have confidence of being able to meet the requirements?
    5. On farm vs in transit vs wholesale vs retail.

To allow us to facilitate the discussion and have some insight prepared prior to the Webinar, we seek industry members to review the presentation provided HERE and submit via any ideas, comments or questions by Thursday 7th September 2023.

It is essential to RSVP to this event by emailing, please do so by Sunday 10th September.

If you would like to discuss this further, then please feel free to contact myself (via details below) or Mark Loeffen (project lead) via 


Melons Australia Featured in: Rural Business magazine

Melons chasing larger slice of Asian market. The peak industry body for the Australian melon industry, Melons Australia, will target opening access to emerging markets in south-east Asia as part of its strategy to grow its export share from eight per cent to 20 per cent over the next five years.

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