Vietnamese translation of the Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries fact sheet - Potential impact of fall armyworm on melon and vegetable crops (other than sweet corn)
Make sure that biosecurity threats are kept at bay on your farm. Templates help you implement a Farm Biosecurity Plan.
Presentation by Dr Shaker Kousik, US Department Agriculture on the latest research in the southern United states.
Examines the mechanism for spread of CGMMV.
List of watermelon, rockmelon and honeydew melons grown in Australia as of July 2017.
Research report that explains the way CGMMV is managed in greenhouses in Israel.
Understanding how pesticides interact and resistant in pests develops.
Understanding the pressures on farmers after disasters strike.
The majority of viruses infecting plants are spread by insects, and aphids are the most common group of virus vectors or carriers. All potyviruses (the largest group of plant viruses) are transmitted by aphids.
Explains Melon Necrotic Spot Virus and the impact that it can have on melon growing.
Lighting is a vital part of packhouse and grading operations. On average, lighting uses 3% of total electricity. Audits identified that whilst there are opportunities to improve the energy efficiency of lighting, savings will be small.
This publication includes information on a number of significant melon diseases found in Australia and includes images to assist growers recognise their symptoms. Table 1 lists the significant diseases that are an issue for melon production in Australia.
Waterlogged soils are deficient in oxygen as the oxygen between soil particles is replaced by water. Oxygen is essential for healthy root growth and the lack of oxygen in soils over a period of time results in root and eventually plant death. As flood damaged crops may have extensive root death, irrigation timing is vital to recovery and to avoid ongoing plant stress.
An explanation of the Melon Card, a workplace health & safety program for farm workers.
Report on in-country visits to Japan, Singapore and Malaysia.
National plan to manage biosecurity issues in the Australian melon industry.
Symptoms and signs of Melon necrotic spot virus on melons
In-market visit (Sept 2019) report for export melons to Dubai, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Kuwait
Vietnamese translation of the Plant Health Australia fact sheet - Melon necrotic spot virus
Planting vegetation to encourage native predatory insects that assist in crop management of pests.
A review of the crop protectants already used in the melon industry and possible future requirements for managing melon pests & diseases.
This report is an output of MT17015 Consumer Behavioural and Retail Data for Fresh Produce and intended for use by Hort Innovation, the Australian melon industries, and other stakeholders in the context of understanding and diagnosing market performance and shopper behaviour.
Information about sudden wilt and vine decline caused by Monosporascus.
Planting vegetation to encourage native predatory insects that assist in crop management of pests.
A no-till farming system has been developed for horticultural production, utilizing permanent beds that are not cultivated after initial land preparation. Cover crops are established on beds, grown to maturity, killed and then flattened into an organic mulch. Commercial crops are directly sown or transplanted into this cover crop residue. This system aims to increase sustainability in relevant horticultural industries through the long-term maintenance of soil health and stability, as well as eliminating reliance on plastic mulch, which is difficult to dispose of, in an environmentally responsible fashion.