Movement restrictions for bees, hives and equipment in each state and territory

Varroa- what does it mean for pollination in Australia

Honey bees are critical pollinators in agricultural systems in Australia. How will Varroa destructor (varroa) affect pollination in Australia, and what can we do to help bees, beekeepers and growers overcome the challenge? For some of these answers please click here for to access a fact sheet recently produced by Agrifutures.

Varroa Development Officers

Varroa Development Officers have been engaged (as part of the Varroa Transition to Management Plan) in all states of Australia to engage with commercial and recreational beekeepers to extend best management practice guidelines and resolve problems. They are also tasked with establishing, coordinating and maintaining a voluntary Varroa mite monitoring program in collaboration with volunteer beekeepers, beekeeping clubs and societies.  For more information about the T2M plan click here National Varroa Mite Management Program and for a list of the VDOs in all states please click here Varroa Development Officers — National Varroa Mite Management Program



Western Australia

Australian Capital Territory


AHBIC Webinar

AHBIC webinar

This webinar was developed and recorded in October 2023 by AHBIC and provides a NSW DPI varroa response update, situation update for Victoria, AHBIC industry perspective, and provides an overview of varroa mite management as we transition from eradication to management of Varroa Mite.

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