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Aussie Melons
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Pest Information
Cucurbits Ute Guide
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Aphid-transmitted viruses in vegetable crops
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Bacterial Fruit Blotch
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Cucumber Green Mottle Mosaic Virus (CGMMV)
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CGMMV - Factsheet (WA DAF)
CGMMV - Factsheet 1 (DAFQ)
CGMMV - Improved Mgt opftions (NT DPI) 2018
CGMMV Minimise in honey bee hives - Mgt Practices (NT DPI)
CGMMV Symptoms - Factsheet (NT DPI)
HPP Cucurbit bacterial wilt - Pest alert (NSW DPI)
HPP Exotic leafminers - Factsheet (PHA)
HPP Exotic leafminers - Management of (Cesar AUSVEG UOM) 2020
HPP Fall armyworm - Factsheet (AUSVEG) 2020
HPP Fall armyworm - Factsheet (DAFQ)
HPP Fusarium root rot of melons - Factsheet (NSW DPI) 2018
HPP Melon fruit fly - Factsheet (PHA)
HPP Monosparascus root rot - Factsheet (PHA)
HPP Orthospovirus - Factsheet (AMA) 2020
HPP Tobamovirus - Factsheet (AMA) 2020
Insect pests of cucurbit vegetables - Factsheet (NSW DPI) 2009
Mediterranean fruit fly - Pest Alert (NSW DPI) 2016
Melon necrotic spot virus - Factsheet (NSW DPI) 2013
Melon necrotic spot virus - Factsheet (PHA)
Melonfruitfly - Factsheet (Cesar)
QFly and Medfly - Factsheet (PHA)
Serpentine leaf miner - Factsheet (PHA)
Serpentine leafminer - Monitoring for in Australia (Cesar UOM) 2021
Silverleaf whitefly - (NSW DPI) 2015
Solanum fruit fly - Factsheet (NSW DPI) 2018
Turnipmoth - Factsheet (Cesar)
Vegetable leaf miner - Factsheet 1 (AUSVEG PHA)
Vegetable leaf miner - Poster (Cesar UOM)
Vegetable leaf miner - Project (Cesar)
Vegetable leafminer - Factsheet 2 (AUSVEG PHA)
Western flower thrips - Factsheet (PHA)
Whitefly viruses in vegetable crops - Mgt (DAFQ)
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