Melon ORC Framework

Melons Australian in partnership with Plant Health Australia have finalized our industry Owner Reimbursement Cost (ORC) Framework.

In the case of an exotic pest incursion, a response plan is implemented to eradicate or prevent the spread of that emergency plant pest. If it is a pest that directly impacts melon production this may require a melon property to be quarantined, certain crops to be destroyed or a grower to undertake actions that are additional to their normal production practices (such as control measures or a forced fallow). Implementing these requirements often results in additional costs or potential losses to impacted individuals.

Owner reimbursement costs (ORC) is a type of payment made under the Emergency Plant Pest Response Deed (EPPRD) to an individual to reimburse them for specific defined costs or losses incurred following the implementation of a response plan. In order to define how that reimbursement is to be calculated an ORC framework is required while the provisions of the EPPRD defines what comprises an ORC payment, who may receive a payment, how cost sharing is applied, and the general valuation and payment processes undertaken. 

This is an important step forward for the melon industry that better prepares us for a response to emergency plant pests that could devastate our cropping sector. Click here to see a copy of the melon ORC framework

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