Hort Innovation’s levy-funded and other investments produce a wide range of resources for Australian horticulture growers and other industry participants to use. These resources are all about bringing the benefits and recommendations of research to industry, for adoption and use on-farm. They include fact sheets, guides, videos and more.

When investment projects are complete, the researcher or delivery partner also produces a Final Research Report with full details about the project and the potential benefits gained from the investment.

You can search for these project resources and Final Research Reports on this page – filter by levy industry and the other categories to find what you are looking for.

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Australian Melon Association Sponsors. The Australian Melon Industry is able to provide advertising for commercial, business and government partners through our communication activities. Download our advertising rate card (PDF).

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The Australian Melon Association facilitates a research, development and extension program on behalf of all Australian melon growers. Through Horticulture Innovation Australia, the Australian melon industry is able to access matched fun...

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The project aims to improve the traceability systems in the melon industry, enhance export competitiveness and promote brand Australia. Benefits of a traceability system in the melon industry. Status Report on Traceability 2021.

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There are three statutory levies on all melons produced and sold in Australia. Melon levies are payable on all melons produced in Australia destined for processing, domestic consumption or export and sold by the producer (i. e. first po...

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With these promising developments, the Australian melon industry commissioned a project so that interested Australian melon growers are aware of how to take advantage of the export potential and that they understand the Japanese market ...

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Biosecurity Champions for the Australian Melon Industry. The Australian melon industry commenced research and development and biosecurity levies in January 2016. Melons are covered by version 2. 0 of the biosecurity plan for the melon i...

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